PCR Science Fair: Wednesday, February 21, 2018


The annual Palm Crest Elementary School Science Fair will take place on Wednesday, February 21st, 2018 this school year. The Science Fair takes place during Science Appreciation Week, which occurs annually and brings an entire week of science related presentations and events to PCR. Take a look at some of the Science Fair projects from last year:


What is the PCR Science Fair?


The PCR Science Fair is an annual event to stimulate and promote participation in science. The event is sponsored by the PCR PTA under the supervision of the PTA's Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) enrichment program. Participation is voluntary and open to all PCR students. Most teachers do not require participation in the Science Fair, but highly encourage it. Check with your child's home room teacher about whether your child is required to participate. Students work either individually or in small groups and create a science project, formulate a question to answer using the Scientific Method, and design a project experiment to try and answer the question. Students then run the experiment(s), collect data, analyze it, and present their results in a poster and/or other self-standing exhibit on the night of the Science Fair. Download the Science Fair Packet in the next section for more details on what is required.



How Do I Enter the Science Fair?

Get started now and prepare your project! To enter the Science Fair you must do the following:

  1. Download and read the Science Fair Packet. The document contains all of the information you need to know what makes a good science project, what the Scientific Method is, how to pick an interesting topic and create a question to investigate, how to form a hypothesis, develop a plan to investigate the question, how to conduct the experiment and collect data, analyze the data, formulate a conclusion, and present your project in a poster or display.
  2. Register for the Science Fair online. If you plan to participate in the 2018 PCR Science Fair, you must fill out the online registration form. Click here to download the registration form. The Science Fair Project Registration form will ask you for information about your proposed science project title, a brief description about what you hope to investigate, the type of project (e.g. Biology, Chemistry, Physics) it is, your project display needs in the MPR, and whether your teacher has approved your project idea. Note that you must get your teacher's approval BEFORE you complete the online form. Click here to download a hardcopy version of the PCR Science Fair Project Application so you have something to take to your teacher. The Science Fair Project Registration Form must be completed by Thursday, February 15, 2018.

Where do I get ideas for my Science Fair project?

The Science Fair Packet, which you download in step #1 above, contains lots of information about what makes an interesting and doable science experiment. In addition, you can look through the posters from 2015 at the following Google Drive image folder:


In addition, there are dozens of websites and resources on the Internet with ideas for Science Fair projects. That being said, some of the best Science Fair project ideas are ones you come up with yourself. Think about a topic that is interesting to you, pose a question that you don't know the answer to, and think of an interesting experiment you can come up with to answer that question.

What if I have questions?

Please contact Jennifer Rocca at jenniferrocca@gmail.com if you have any questions or aren't sure about something.